Source code for pymapmanager.mmMapAnalysis

from __future__ import print_function

import time, copy
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

#from pandas.plotting import autocorrelation_plot
from import autocorrelation_plot

[docs]def segmentAnalysis(map, ps): """ Args: map: mmMap ps (dictionary): From mmUtil.newplotdict(). Fill in plotStruct['xstat'] with stat of interest """ startTime = time.time() ps['ystat'] = 'pDist' for i in range(map.numMapSegments): for j in range(map.numSessions): stackSegment = map._getStackSegmentID(i, j) if stackSegment is not None: ps['segmentid'] = [stackSegment] ps = map.stacks[j].getStackValues3(ps) # sort by pDist and make ['x'] values follow sortedIdx = np.argsort(ps['y']) xSorted = ps['x'][sortedIdx] ySorted = ps['y'][sortedIdx] if i==0 and j==0: autocorrelation_plot(xSorted) stopTime = time.time() print('segmentAnalysis() took', stopTime - startTime, 'seconds')
[docs]def getMapDynamics(map, plotDict): """ Calculate dynamics of annotations across a map including added, subtracted, density added, density subtracted, etc. etc. For spines, this generates a set of analysis for each dendretic segment across sessions in a the map Args: map (obj): mmMap plotDict (dict): See mmUtil.getdynamicsdict() Returns: list of dict. Use pandas.DataFrame.from_dict to easily view output Example:: import pandas as pd from IPython.display import display # displays pretty table in ipython from pymapmanager.mmUtil import newplotdict from pymapmanager.mmMap import mmMap from pymapmanager.mmMapAnalysis import getMapDynamics # load a map filePath = '/Users/cudmore/Desktop/data/rr30a/rr30a.txt' m = mmMap(filePath=filePath) plotDict = newplotdict() plotDict = getMapDynamics(m, pd) for segmentReport in plotDict: display(pd.DataFrame.from_dict(segmentReport, orient='index')) """ startTime = time.time() # each list holds values across sessions retStruct = { 'totalnum': [], 'numbad': [], 'numgood': [], 'numadd': [], 'numsub': [], 'numsub2': [], 'totallen': [], 'goodlen': [], 'totallensmoothed': [], 'goodlensmoothed': [], # pAdd, pSub, pSub2 'padd': [], 'psub': [], 'psub2': [], # dAdd, dSub, dSub2 'dadd': [], 'dsub': [], 'dsub2': [], # tor 'tor': [], # survival # death } retList = [] for i in range(map.numMapSegments): retList.append(copy.deepcopy(retStruct)) totalnum = np.nan numsub = np.nan prevtotalnum = np.nan prevsub = np.nan # to fill in numSub2 for j in range(map.numSessions): segmentID = map._getStackSegmentID(i, j) # segmentID is stack centric if segmentID >= 0: segmentID = int(segmentID) # this is annoying df = map.stacks[j].stackdb if plotDict['roitype']: df = df[df['roiType'].isin(plotDict['roitype'])] df = df[df['parentID'].isin([segmentID])] totalnum = df.shape[0] # 20171231, moved down #numbad = df['isBad'].isin([1]).sum(index=1) numbad = df['isBad'].isin([1]).sum() # todo: strip out bad df = df[~df['isBad'].isin([1])] numgood = df.shape[0] # numgood = totalnum - 'isBad' #print(j, segmentID, 'numgood:', numgood, df['isAdd']) #tmp999 = df['isSub'].sum() #print ('tmp999:', tmp999) # should be same as above #numbad = totalnum - numgood #numadd = df['isAdd'].sum(index=1) #numsub = df['isSub'].sum(index=1) # w.r.t. this session numadd = df['isAdd'].sum() numsub = df['isSub'].sum() # w.r.t. this session numsub2 = prevsub # w.r.t. previous session padd = numadd / prevtotalnum * 100 psub = numsub / prevtotalnum * 100 psub2 = numsub2 / prevtotalnum * 100 totallen = map.stacks[j].line.getLineLength([segmentID]) # um goodlen = 0 # um totallensmoothed = 0 # um goodlensmoothed = 0 # um dadd = numadd / totallen dsub = numsub / totallen dsub2 = numsub2 / totallen # assign to return retList[i]['totalnum'].append(totalnum) retList[i]['numbad'].append(numbad) retList[i]['numgood'].append(numgood) retList[i]['numadd'].append(numadd) retList[i]['numsub'].append(numsub) retList[i]['numsub2'].append(numsub2) retList[i]['padd'].append(padd) retList[i]['psub'].append(psub) retList[i]['psub2'].append(psub2) retList[i]['totallen'].append(totallen) retList[i]['goodlen'].append(goodlen) retList[i]['totallensmoothed'].append(totallensmoothed) retList[i]['goodlensmoothed'].append(goodlensmoothed) retList[i]['dadd'].append(dadd) retList[i]['dsub'].append(dsub) retList[i]['dsub2'].append(dsub2) prevtotalnum = totalnum prevsub = numsub stopTime = time.time() print('getMapDynamics() took', stopTime - startTime, 'seconds') if 0: print(retList) print(len(retList)) seg = 0 # map centrix print('answer for map segment', seg) for key, val in retList[seg].iteritems(): print(key, val) # convert to a pandas dataframe out_df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(retList[seg], orient='index') return retList
if __name__ == '__main__': from pymapmanager.mmMap import mmMap from pymapmanager import mmUtil mapPath = '/Users/cudmore/MapManagerData/Richard/Nancy/rr30a/rr30a.txt' m = mmMap(mapPath) plotStruct = mmUtil.newplotdict() plotStruct['xstat'] = 'ubssSum_int1' plotStruct = segmentAnalysis(m, plotStruct)