Source code for pymapmanager.mmMapPlot2

Helper class to plot mmMap annotations.


    from pymapmanager.mmMap import mmMap
    from pymapmanager.mmUtil import newplotdict
    %matplotlib notebook

    # load a map
    myMapFile = 'PyMapManager/examples/exampleMaps/rr30a/rr30a.txt'
    myMap = mmMap(filePath=myMapFile)

    # plot
    mp = mmMapPlot2(myMap)
    plotDict = newplotdict()
    plotDict['segmentid'] = 1 # only map segment 1
from __future__ import print_function
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

[docs]class mmMapPlot2(): def __init__(self, m): = m self.myScatterPlot = None self.myLinePlot = None self.dynamics_on = False self.lines_on = False self.pd = None # plot dict
[docs] def onclick(self, event): """ Used by Qt interface. Args: event (:class:`pymapmanager.mmUtil.mmEvent`) """ print('mmMapPlot2.onclick()', event.button, event.x, event.y, event.xdata, event.ydata)
def _plotMap(self, fig): self.figure = fig # self.axes = self.figure.add_subplot(111) self.axes = self.figure.add_axes([0.1, 0.1, 0.9, 0.9]) # remove white border #self.axes.axis('off') # turn off axis labels markersize = 10 # units here is area self.myScatterPlot = self.axes.scatter(self.pd['x'], self.pd['y'], marker='o', s=markersize, picker=True) self.axes.spines['top'].set_visible(False) self.axes.spines['right'].set_visible(False) self.axes.set_xlabel(self.pd['xstat']) self.axes.set_ylabel(self.pd['ystat']) if self.pd['showdynamics']: self.toggledynamics(True) if self.pd['showlines']: self.togglelines(True)
[docs] def plotMap0(self, fig, pd): """ Plot a canonical spine map of position along segment versus session. Args: fig: Either a matplotlib.figure.Figure if using Qt or plt.figure() if using command line or IPython/Jupyter. pd: A plot dictionary describing what to plot. Get default from mmUtil.newplotdict(). Returns: None """ #fig.canvas.mpl_connect('button_press_event', self.onclick) #self.width = 4 #self.height = 4 #self.dpi = 100 # Qt has to make Figure() # self.figure = Figure(figsize=(self.width, self.height), dpi=self.dpi) # self.canvas = FigureCanvas(self.figure) #self.figure = fig self.pd = pd self.pd['xstat'] = 'mapSession' self.pd['ystat'] = 'pDist' self.pd['zstat'] = 'cAngle' self.pd = # get spine angle and offset offset = 0.1 cAngle = pd['z'] #cAngle ='cAngle', segmentID=pd['segmentid']) self.pd['x'][cAngle > 180] += offset self.pd['y'][cAngle < 180] -= offset self._plotMap(fig) # uses self.pd
# text = ax.text(0, 0, "", va="bottom", ha="left")
[docs] def plotMap(self, fig, pd): """ Plot x/y values from a map. Args: fig: Either a matplotlib.figure.Figure if using Qt or plt.figure() if using command line or IPython/Jupyter. pd (dict): A plot dictionary describing what to plot. Get default from mmUtil.newplotdict(). Fill in ['xstat'] and ['ystat'] with valid stack annotation names. Returns: None """ #fig.canvas.mpl_connect('button_press_event', self.onclick) #self.width = 4 #self.height = 4 #self.dpi = 100 # Qt has to make Figure() # self.figure = Figure(figsize=(self.width, self.height), dpi=self.dpi) # self.canvas = FigureCanvas(self.figure) #self.figure = fig self.pd = self._plotMap(fig) """ # self.axes = self.figure.add_subplot(111) self.axes = self.figure.add_axes([0, 0, 1, 1]) # remove white border #self.axes.axis('off') # turn off axis labels markersize = 10 # units here is area self.myScatterPlot = self.axes.scatter(self.pd['x'], self.pd['y'], marker='o', s=markersize, picker=True) #self.axes.spines['top'].set_visible(False) #self.axes.spines['right'].set_visible(False) self.axes.set_xlabel(self.pd['xstat']) self.axes.set_ylabel(self.pd['ystat']) self.toggledynamics(True) self.togglelines(True) # text = ax.text(0, 0, "", va="bottom", ha="left") """
@property def x(self): """ Returns an array of x values in the plot. """ return self.pd['x'] @property def y(self): """ Returns an array of y values in the plot. """ return self.pd['y']
[docs] def getUserSelection(self, pnt): """ Return session and stackdb index when user click on a window in Qt Args: pnt: point selected in Qt canvas onpick() Returns: session index, stackdb index """ mapsess = self.pd['mapsess'] sessIdx_noNan = mapsess[~np.isnan(mapsess)] sessIdx = int(sessIdx_noNan[pnt]) stackidx = self.pd['stackidx'] stackdbIdx_noNan = stackidx[~np.isnan(stackidx)] stackdbIdx = int(stackdbIdx_noNan[pnt]) return sessIdx, stackdbIdx
[docs] def togglelines(self, onoff=None): """Toggle lines connecting annotations between timepoint. Be carefull here on repeatedly plot these lines""" if onoff is not None: self.lines_on = onoff else: self.lines_on = ~self.lines_on if self.lines_on: linewidth = 0.5 self.myLinePlot = self.axes.plot(self.pd['x'].transpose(), self.pd['y'].transpose(), c='k', linewidth=linewidth, zorder=-1) else: for i, line in enumerate(self.axes.lines): ax.lines.pop(i) line.remove()
[docs] def toggledynamics(self, onoff=None): """Turn dynamics marker color on and off""" if onoff: self.dynamics_on = onoff else: self.dynamics_on = not self.dynamics_on if self.dynamics_on: # color add/sub/transient/persistent alpha = 1 cNone = (0, 0, 0, alpha) cSubtract = (1, 0, 0, alpha) cAdd = (0, 1, 0, alpha) cTransient = (0, 0, 1, alpha) cPersistent = (1, 1, 0, alpha) cMatrix = [] m = self.pd['runrow'].shape[0] n = self.pd['runrow'].shape[1] for i in range(m): for j in range(n): currColor = cNone prev = 'nan' next = 'nan' if j > 0: prev = self.pd['mapsess'][i][j - 1] >= 0 if j < n - 1: next = self.pd['mapsess'][i][j + 1] >= 0 if not prev and j > 0: currColor = cAdd if not next and j < n - 1: currColor = cSubtract if not prev and not next and j > 0 and j < n - 1: currColor = cTransient if prev and next: currColor = cPersistent cMatrix.append(currColor) else: cMatrix = 'b' self.myScatterPlot.set_color(cMatrix)