Source code for pymapmanager.mmStack

from __future__ import print_function

import os, io, time
from glob import glob # for mmStackPool
from errno import ENOENT
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
#import uuid # to generate a unique id for each spine
import tifffile

from pymapmanager.mmStackLine import mmStackLine
from pymapmanager.mmio import mmio
from pymapmanager.mmUtil import newplotdict

[docs]class mmStack(): """ A stack contains a 3D Tiff, a list of 3D annotations, and optionally a number of segment tracings, :class:`pymapmanager.mmStackLine`. A stack can either be a single time-point or be embeded into a session of a :class:`pymapmanager.mmMap`. Args: filePath (str): Full path to tiff file, this is used to open single timepoint stacks (not stacks in a map) name (str): Name of the stack. Used to fetch .tif file numChannels (int): Number of channels. map (object): Runtime object of :class:`pymapmanager.mmMap` that created the stack. mapSession (int): The map session number for the stack. """ def __init__(self, filePath=None, name=None, numChannels=1, map=None, mapSession=None, urlmap=None): self.fileName = filePath self._folder = '' #map.folder #re-route this to load a single time-point stack from its .tif !!! = name #re-route this for single channel stack self.numChannels = numChannels #get this from stackdb??? self._stackdb = None self.map_ = map self.mapSession = mapSession self.doFile = True self.server = None self.urlmap = None if urlmap is not None: #from server self.doFile = False self.urlmap = urlmap self.server = mmio.mmio() elif map is not None: # from mm map self._folder = map._folder elif filePath is not None: # single timepoint self._folder = os.path.dirname(filePath) + '/' # Path to enclosing folder, ends in '/'. = os.path.basename(filePath).strip('.tiff') # Name of the stack if'_ch1'): =[:-4] if'_ch2'): =[:-4] # todo: we don't have numChannel in header, infer this from other _ch1.tif and _ch2.tif files in same directory else: # undefined print('error: mmStack() constructor got bad parameters.') return #todo: to open generic tif (no stackdb), we need to use tifffile load of first image, query tif header values (gonna be a pain) #f = tifffile.TiffFile('/Users/cudmore/Desktop/data/rr30a/raw/rr30a_s0_ch2.tif', pages=[0]) self.voxelx = 1.0 #float(map.getValue('dx', mapSession)) self.voxely = 1.0 #float(map.getValue('dy', mapSession)) self.voxelz = 1.0 #int(map.getValue('dz', mapSession)) #we use z as index into numpy array, can't be int !!! self._images = None # 3D numpy array of the stacks images, axis 0 is slices""" ############################################################################### #stackdb if self.doFile: stackdbFile = self._folder + 'stackdb' + '/' + + '_db2.txt' if not os.path.isfile(stackdbFile): raise IOError(ENOENT, 'mmStack did not find stackdbFile:', stackdbFile) with open(stackdbFile, 'rU') as f: header = f.readline().rstrip() self._stackdb = pd.read_csv(stackdbFile, header=1, index_col=False) self._stackdb['Idx'] = self.stackdb.index else: tmp = self.server.getfile('stackdb', self.urlmap, timepoint=self.mapSession) header = tmp.split('\r')[0] self._stackdb = pd.read_csv(io.StringIO(tmp.decode('utf-8')), header=1, index_col=False) self._stackdb['Idx'] = self.stackdb.index # stackdb file headers has (voxelx=0.12;voxely=0.12;voxelz=1;) if header.endswith(';'): header = header[:-1] header = header.split(';') d = dict(s.split('=') for s in header) self.voxelx = float(d['voxelx']) # um self.voxely = float(d['voxely']) self.voxelz = float(d['voxelz']) # julias single time-point stack have pixels=NaN ??? #self.pixelsx = int(d['pixelx']) # pixels #self.pixelsy = int(d['pixely']) #self.numSlices = int(d['pixelz']) #not currently using, good idea for EVERY spine to have unique ID? # hashID = [uuid.uuid4().hex for i in range(self.stackdb.shape[0])] # self.stackdb['hashID'] = hashID #32 character hexadecimal string m = self.stackdb.shape[0] # append columns (map, hashID, next, nexttp, prev, prevtp, runIdx) if map and mapSession>=0: self.stackdb['mapName'] = self.stackdb['mapSession'] = mapSession mapCond = map.getValue('mapCond', 0) # one map condition, in column zero #should have numObj()-1 here ??? self.stackdb['next'] = map.objMap[1,0:self.numObj,mapSession].tolist() # 1: next self.stackdb['nexttp'] = map.objMap[2,0:self.numObj,mapSession].tolist() # 2: nextTP self.stackdb['prev'] = map.objMap[3,0:self.numObj,mapSession].tolist() # 3: prev self.stackdb['prevtp'] = map.objMap[4,0:self.numObj,mapSession].tolist() # 4: prevTP self.stackdb['runIdx'] = map.objMap[6,0:self.numObj,mapSession].tolist() # 4: runIdx self.stackdb['days'] = map.getValue('days', mapSession) self.stackdb['sessCond'] = map.getValue('condStr', mapSession) self.stackdb['mapCond'] = mapCond self.stackdb['isAdd'] = np.nan self.stackdb['isSub'] = np.nan if mapSession > 0: self.stackdb['isAdd'] = [np.nan if a >= 0 else 1 for a in map.objMap[3,0:m,mapSession]] # 3 is prev if mapSession < map.numSessions-1: self.stackdb['isSub'] = [np.nan if a >= 0 else 1 for a in map.objMap[1,0:m,mapSession]] # 1 is next self.stackdb['isTransient'] = self.stackdb['isAdd'].isin([1]) & self.stackdb['isSub'].isin([1]) # int1 and in2 will have some column names in common with stackdb #assuming we want values from stackdb, just drop them #droplist = ['x','y','z','isDirty','intBad'] ############################################################################### # int1 if self.doFile: int1File = self._folder + 'stackdb' + '/' + + '_Int1.txt' if not os.path.isfile(int1File): raise IOError(ENOENT, 'mmStack did not find int1File:', int1File) int1 = pd.read_csv(int1File, header=1, index_col=False) int1 = int1.add_suffix('_int1') self._stackdb = self.stackdb.join(int1) else: tmp = self.server.getfile('int', self.urlmap, timepoint=self.mapSession, channel=1) int1 = pd.read_csv(io.StringIO(tmp.decode('utf-8')), header=1, index_col=False) int1 = int1.add_suffix('_int1') self._stackdb = self.stackdb.join(int1) ############################################################################### # int2 if self.numChannels==2: if self.doFile: int2File = self._folder + 'stackdb' + '/' + + '_Int2.txt' if not os.path.isfile(int2File): raise IOError(ENOENT, 'mmStack did not find int2File:', int2File) int2 = pd.read_csv(int2File, header=1, index_col=False) int2 = int2.add_suffix('_int2') self._stackdb = self.stackdb.join(int2) else: tmp = self.server.getfile('int', self.urlmap, timepoint=self.mapSession, channel=2) int2 = pd.read_csv(io.StringIO(tmp.decode('utf-8')), header=1, index_col=False) int2 = int2.add_suffix('_int2') self._stackdb = self.stackdb.join(int2) ############################################################################### # line self._line = None self._loadLine() @property def stackdb(self): """ A pandas dataframe of annotations, one per row. Columns are annotation names. """ return self._stackdb @property def numObj(self): """The number of objects (annotations) in the stack. This is the number of rows in stackdb""" if self.stackdb is not None: return self.stackdb.shape[0] else: return 0 @property def images(self): """ 3D numpy ndarray of images. This is not valid until :func:`loadStackImages` is called. Images are in the 1st dimension, use images[0,:,:] to get the first image. """ return self._images @property def numSlices(self): """ Number of images in the stack. """ if self.images is not None: return self.images.shape[0] else: return None @property def line(self): """ A :class:`pymapmanager.mmStackLine` that holds 3D tracing of line segments. """ return self._line @property def numSegments(self): """ Number of line segments in the stack. """ if self.stackdb is not None: unique = self.stackdb['parentID'].unique() return np.count_nonzero(~np.isnan(unique)) else: return None @property def annotationNames(self): """ A list of all annotation names in the stack. These are valid names for stat passed to :func:`getStackValues2` and names for pd['xstat'], pd['ystat'], pd['zstat'] passed to :func:`getStackValues3`. Returns: List (str). """ return list(self.stackdb.columns.values) def __str__(self): mapname = if self.map_ else 'None' return ('stack:' + + ' map:' + mapname + ' session:' + str(self.mapSession) + ' objects:' + str(self.numObj) + ' segments:' + str(self.numSegments) + ' channels:' + str(self.numChannels))
[docs] def countObj(self, roiType=None): """Count the number of roiType in stack """ theRet = 0 if self.stackdb is not None and self.stackdb.shape[0] > 0: if roiType is not None: # this does not work # #theRet = self.stackdb.roiType.value_counts()[roiType] countsSeries = self.stackdb.roiType.value_counts() if countsSeries.isin([roiType])[0]: theRet = countsSeries.value_counts()[roiType] else: theRet = 0 else: theRet = self.stackdb.shape[0] return theRet
[docs] def getStackValues2(self, stat, roiType=['spineROI'], segmentID=[], plotBad=False, plotIntBad=False): """ Get all values for an annotation. Args: stat (str): Name of a stack annotation. roiType: spineROI or otherROI. segmentID: Integer list specifying stack segment number. Returns: 1D numpy ndarray of values """ plotDict = newplotdict() plotDict['roitype'] = roiType plotDict['xstat'] = stat plotDict['segmentid'] = segmentID plotDict['plotbad'] = plotBad plotDict['plotIntBad'] = plotIntBad plotDict = self.getStackValues3(plotDict) return plotDict['x']
[docs] def getStackValues3(self, pd): """ Get values of three annotations using a plot dictionary pd. Get a default plot dictionary from :func:`pymapmanager.mmUtil.newplotdict` and Fill in pd['xstat'], pd['ystat'], pd['ztat'] with valid :py:attr:`~annotationNames`. Args: pd (dict): A plot dictionary describing what to plot. Returns: | pd['x'], values if pd['xstat'], length is number of annotations matching criteria in original pd argument | pd['y'], values if pd['ystat'] | pd['z'], values if pd['zstat'] | pd['stackidx'], stack index of returned values | pd['reverse'], same length as stackdb.numObj, | reverse[i]>=0 gives index into pd['x'] for annotation i. | reverse[i]=='nan' means annotation i was not included. """ # to do: check that segmentID is a list # to do: check that roiType is a list ret = self.stackdb if pd['segmentid']: ret = ret[ret['parentID'].isin(pd['segmentid'])] if pd['roitype']: ret = ret[ret['roiType'].isin(pd['roitype'])] if pd['xstat']: pd['x'] = ret[pd['xstat']].values if pd['ystat']: pd['y'] = ret[pd['ystat']].values if pd['zstat']: pd['z'] = ret[pd['zstat']].values pd['stackidx'] = ret.index.values # reverse lookup for efficiency reverse = np.zeros(self.numObj) reverse[:] = np.NaN for i, val in enumerate(pd['stackidx']): if val >= 0: reverse[val] = i pd['reverse'] = reverse return pd
def _loadLine(self): """ Load a :class:'pymapmanager.mmStackLine' associated with the stack. Sets 'line' instance variable. Returns: None. """ self._line = mmStackLine(self)
[docs] def loadStackImages(self, channel=2): """ Load the images for a stack. Sets 'images' instance variable MapManager uses single channel .tif files. Each channel has its own file: _ch1.tif, _ch2.tif, _ch3.tif. Args: channel (int): Specifies the channel number to load. Returns: images (3D ndarray): 3D numpy array of images. """ startTime = time.time() if self.urlmap is not None: sliceNotUsed = 1 content = self.server.getimage(self.urlmap, self.mapSession, sliceNotUsed, channel=channel) with tifffile.TiffFile(io.BytesIO(content)) as tif: self._images = tif.asarray() else: if channel == 1 or channel is None: chStr = '_ch1' else: chStr = '_ch2' if self.map_: tiffFileName = self._folder + 'raw' + '/' + + chStr + '.tif' else: tiffFileName = self._folder + + chStr + '.tif' if not os.path.isfile(tiffFileName): raise IOError(ENOENT, 'mmStack did not find tiffFileName:', tiffFileName) try: """ tmp = tifffile.TiffFile(tiffFileName) print tmp.is_imagej print tmp.pages #.imagej_tags() """ with tifffile.TiffFile(tiffFileName) as tif: self._images = tif.asarray() except: print('ERROR: mmStack.loadStackImages() did not load tiff file:', tiffFileName) raise if len(self.images.shape) > 3: print('WARNING: mmStack.loadStackImages() just loaded a stack with a bizarre shape:', self.images.shape) self.images = self.images[:,:,:,1] # this is read from stackdb header #if self.numSlices is None: # self.numSlices = self.images.shape[0] ''' # load both channels and make an rgb image self.rgb = np.zeros(4) tiffFileName = self._folder + 'raw' + '/' + + '_ch1.tif' with tifffile.TiffFile(tiffFileName) as tif: self.rgb[...,1] = tif.asarray() tiffFileName = self._folder + 'raw' + '/' + + '_ch2.tif' with tifffile.TiffFile(tiffFileName) as tif: self.rgb[...,2] = tif.asarray() imshow(self.rgb) ''' stopTime = time.time() print('mmStack.loadStack() loaded map session', self.mapSession, 'channel', channel, 'in', round(stopTime-startTime,2), 'seconds.') # debug # print self.images #import matplotlib.pyplot as plt #self.imgplot = plt.imshow(self.images[0,:,:]) return self.images