Source code for pymapmanager.mmUtil

Utility functions and classes for PyMapManager.

#: Allowed ROI types. Specifies valid 'roiType'.
#ROI_TYPES = ['spineROI', 'otherROI']

#: Allowed stack stats. Specifies valid 'tokens' for mmStack.getValue().

    'map' : None, #: map (object) mmMap
    'mapname' : None,
    'sessidx' : None, #: sessIdx (int): map session
    'stack' : None, #: stack (object) use for single timepoint analysis

    'xstat' : None, #: xstat (str): Name of statistic to retreive, corresponds to column in stack.stackdb
    'ystat' : None,
    'zstat' : None,
    'roitype' : ['spineROI'], #: roiType
    'segmentid' : [],

    'stacklist' : [],   # list of int to specify sessions/stacks to plot, [] will plot all

	'getMapDynamics' : False, # set True to get map 'dynamics'
    'plotbad' : False,
    'plotintbad' : False,
    'showlines' : True,
    'showdynamics': True,

    #  Filled in by get functions
    'x' : None,
    'y' : None,
    'z' : None,
    'stackidx' : None,
    'reverse' : None,
    'runrow': None,
    'mapsess': None,

[docs]def newplotdict(): """ Get a new default plot dictionary. The plot dictionary is used to tell plot functions what to plot (e.g. ['xtat'] and ['ystat']). All plot function return the same plot dictionary with keys filled in with values that were plotted (e.g. ['x'] and ['y']). Example:: import pymapmanager as pmm path = 'PyMapManager/examples/exampleMaps/rr30a/rr30a.txt' map = pmm.mmMap(path) plotdict = pmm.mmUtil.newplotdict() plotdict['xstat'] = 'days' plotdict['ystat'] = 'pDist' # position of spine on its parent segment plotdict = map.getMapValues3(plotdict) # display with matplotlib plotdict['x'] plotdict['y'] """ return PLOT_DICT.copy()
[docs]class mmEvent: """ Class used by Qt to broadcast events. Events can be user events like 'spine selection' or program events like 'map opened' """ def __init__(self, map, sessIdx, stackdbIdx): self.type = '' # unique string identifying the event = None # object self.mapSession = None # index into mmMap.stacks self.stack = None # object self.stackdbIdx = None # stack centric index into stack.stackdb self.runMapRow = None if map and sessIdx>=0 and stackdbIdx >= 0: self.spineSelection(map, sessIdx, stackdbIdx)
[docs] def spineSelection(self, map, sessIdx, stackdbIdx): """ Make a single spine selection event Args: map (object): :class:`pymapmanager.mmMap` sessIdx (int): :class:`pymapmanager.mmMap` session number stackdbIdx (int): Annotation number in a :class:`pymapmanager.mmStack` """ self.type = 'spine selection' = map self.mapSession = sessIdx self.stack =[sessIdx] self.stackdbIdx = stackdbIdx runMapRowIdx = 6 #xxx self.runMapRow = map.objMap[runMapRowIdx,stackdbIdx,sessIdx] self.runMapRow = int(self.runMapRow)
[docs] def getText(self): """ Returns a human readable string describing the event. For example: 'Users Select sess:3 stackdbIdx:2, runRow:58' """ ret = 'User Select: sess:' + str(self.mapSession) + ' stackdbIdx:' + str(self.stackdbIdx) + ' runRow:' + str( self.runMapRow) return ret